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the last romance

1st April
rewind my past
Do well in school:D
Grow taller-.-

the songs you used to play

Days - Ayumi Hamasaki
the words we all said

the exits to escape

World of 17/09
Imprints of 4e7'08
Memories of 2e7'06
TJC Choir
EL blog
Lee Lian
Shu Yi

the historys to forget

May 2006
June 2006
August 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
February 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009

the sources of love

Designer : DEAD-dolliie

Sunday, February 01, 2009
the stories that happened yesterday

2nd of February,first day of school,tomorrow..

Fresh new start,new school,new environment,new people. Good or bad? We'll see.
Orientation for a week starting tomorrow. Hope I'll meet loads of nice friends then:D

Meeting Zhanwei,Leslie and Garret at 7.15am,shall head off to bed now.
Temasek JC,here I come!

10:30 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2009
the stories that happened yesterday

Went cycling with Fabian and the 2 chuas on the 19th. Fabian was the first to reach Bedok Interchange. Called me on the bus and told me he rushed down in a cab cos he thought he was the latest,turns out he was the first. Started laughing to myself after hanging up the phone:x but hey I got my punishment already! People were staring at me like I'm some lunatic from Mars-.-

Reached the interchange and waited for Elaine for ONE..HOUR..PLUS..haha retribution for my case:x
Anyway the weather was K-I-L-L-E-R,killer! I'll bet the number of freckles on my cheeks had increased in numbers..
However this time round we biked to the end of ecp!yup,that means to the sec3 campsite,yay us!plus many many MANY pit-stops in between which included reminiscing,debating on gender-equality/treatment/restrictions-.-,shell-fightings and not to forget cam-whoring sessions.

20th! Badminton-ed with Qiumei,Jiaqi,Jiawee,Garret and Fabian.
[CHUA!you're forgiven for your absence:D ]
Jiaqi's saving technique's unique! She'll wait for the shuttlecock to bounce once on the ground before 'scooping' it up and attempting to hit it over the net.
Garret won a total of 2300pts in hit-xx-and-you'll-get-a-hundred-points game -.- or was it 23000pts? Anyway you get my point,if it were tennis balls I'd have been bruised everywhere-.-
Somehow,that day was shed-your-feathers day for the shuttlecocks. Practically all the shuttlecocks were half bald at the end of the game..

Lunched at long johns'.
Jq,Qm and I bought our food first but only realised that we had forks and no knives after the guys went to queue for their food. So I went to search for our knives near the bin area and counter but to no avail. Think my mumbling-to-myself disease came back then cos the lady serving Fabbi at that time popped out from under the counter with some knives + plus she was half smiling half laughing to herself. Embarrassment 1,seriously should get rid of that bad habit.

As if that wasnt embarrassing enough,Garret had to go announcing to the lady "Pardon my friend,she's that rude" >.<>

Crapped at macs before rushing over to school for choir stuff. Supposed to teach the new sec1s some basic music theory and have some ice breakers with them while the rest of the choir practise for their syf.
[my apologies to Jq and Garret for making you guys walk to school for nothing=/ ]

The sec1s this year are suuuuper talented! It's either that or the pri schs these days put in a whole lot of emphasis on music in the sch curriculum.
Me: okay who has music theory background here?
*a whole bunch of hands were raised*
Me: for those who already know the stuff on the worksheet you can ignore me while I'm gonna explain to the others k?
*starts teaching,but practically the whole lot of 34 sec1s ignored me and continued doing their ws-.- *

Played some random games that were thought of on the spot. The sec1s were ultra hyperactive,but in a good way=D okay,cept the noise lvl part..

There was a 'band' formed by 3 guys,I.C.E,namely Ivan.Clarence.Eric jr. Haha cute! And and I think Clarence or was it Ivan?aiya whoever la,looks a little bit like Benedict. And Eric jr. really really resembles a younger version of Leslie. He even sounds like him! Gosh.

Oo ya,Bernard also joined choir! Yay!

Overall it was taxing,but fun. I'm turning hoarse due to the frequent "please shut up and listen to me first"-.-

21st! Watched The Hauntings of Molly Hartley @ Sing Plaza with Qm.
Freaky in the front and middle of the movie mainly due to the stupid sound effects. There was one part where the eerie music came on,Qm started to cover her eyes with the coke bottle while I used the popcorn box as a shield near my eyes lest the 'ghost' suddenly popped out. But guess what? Nothing came out-.- The story was nice,though the ending was like huh?quite disappointing.

Walked around in search of school stuff after that and home sweet home after that:D
p.s.rest of the pics up next time,blogger's taking a very loooooooong time to upload photos..

5:29 PM

Friday, January 16, 2009
the stories that happened yesterday


Each word you casually exchange with me
Is so precious treasure to me
But I myself feel a bit embarrassed about it
So you would surely laugh at me, if you knew it

* I want to see you, I want to see you
I want to hear your voice at least
And I sometimes call you with no special reason

My heart becomes so warm
Just because you are around me
I have just one and only wish
Can I stay loving you forever
Just like this?

I’ve known for a long time that you have precious one
Because your smiling face is telling of it

Though it’s true I spend some nights
Feeling so sad
And feeling a tightening in my chest

** My heart has the meaning to live
If only I think of you
I expect nothing special from you
Can I stay loving you forever
Just like this?

* (repeat)

My heart becomes so warm
Just because you are around me
I have just one and only wish
Please let me I stay loving you

** (repeat)

p.s. AHHHHHHHHH I WANT THE SINGLES!!! *hints hints* xD

11:18 PM

Monday, December 29, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

Badminton at 8am just now with Sagu,Jiawee and Fabian. EIGHT IN THE MORNING! Nice time hor? And the sky chose to cry when I was leaving the house-.- Was late as usual=x

Jiawee and I played for 1hr+++ straight before giving in for a timeout while the other 2 slackers took a 30++mins break. Ultimate slackers-.-

Anyway played for about 2hrs before we started cam-whoring at the side-bench with Fabian's hp:D Imagine a huge hall filled with a zillion people playing badminton and table tennis while the 4 of us were taking random pictures at the side=.=

ghostly Jiawee at the side

Fabian,the drug addict



oh my god!


so not worth the money=x

distorted face 1

distorted face 2



notice Jiawee's constipated face!
Fabian,The Scream
There was also a video of Sagu's 'unique' serving skills. Think it's put up on Jiawee's blog. Lazy to post it here=x
K,the end!
psst! finished Iljimae last wk..LEE JUN KI!*eyes sparkle*
11more days...Hope all's well...

9:58 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

Back!after about 5 months:D Anyway,Os are over,period! That's super old news huh? Well,not for me since it keeps haunting me in my dreams practically every night-.- hmm approximately 15++ more days to RELEASE OF O LVL RESULTS! Deng deng deng! *panics*

And holidays are mostly burnt,what with visiting relatives,hanging out with friends,choir,pigging out,birthday celebrations etc. Which reminds me,still owe presents to a few people heh. No dont give me that stare sa gu,I'll bring it to you on the 23rd! wow almost 3 whole months of procrastination,I'm gooood:x

These are the pics taken during choir camp 2 days ago. Mostly sa gu cam-whoring with my camara,that camara-stealer-.-

see what I mean?

pretending to smell my underarms to gross sa gu away

a very retarded-looking YanTing

what to do?I'm irresistable xD

wonder whose poor body got violated...

even Benjamin wasnt spared-.-

but oh well the prank YT and I played on her paid off:D

She wanted to take a picture with Jana using my camara[she already kidnapped my camara before that].However I sneaked it back into my bag without her noticing. Sa gu started searching for it like mad to no avail.
Sa gu: *takes out everything from her bag* I'm calm,very calm..Dont rush me I know it's in here.Last time I saw the camara,I was holding it like this *shows how she held the camara earlier* I'm still calm.."
And during the whole process YT and I were trying extremely hard not to burst out laughing and also to cover up our mysterious smiles:x You should see sa gu's face!

Twilight yesterday with Sagu,Corr,Garret and Jason. Met at cs foodcourt.Whole lot of crapping,singing and leg seducing[Corr and I were innocent by-standers] till Jason arrived. The movie was average,not as nice as they said.

Piano tmr,yay!and boy do I hate bass clef-.- Yes man with the 2 Chuas on monday.Was planning with Garret and he kept arguing "3 ppl going is wrong!Wrong wrong!2's correct,4's correct,5's definitely correct but 3's WRONG!" What's with him and the no. 3,crazy fellow-.-waste my phone bill.

Anyway...I'M ADDICTED TO ILJIMAE!!!*drools* K,off to chase after Iljimae again:D Till the next time,tata!hasta la vista!au revoir!oyasuminasai!

10:00 PM

Saturday, July 19, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

Due to a request from gina,I shall be the nice kind soul to fulfill her wishes(no she's not dying-.-)Below are the pics taken during the band concert on the 11th of July.

Yea it was a Friday,that means we had to rush there directly after the istavin thing cos gina and my session ends at 7-.-

Rushed there with nad and jh as well.Many things happened before,during and after the concert.For more info,refer to gina's detailed post as I'm too lazy to type everything out.

this was taken in the toilet(we love toilets-.-)

Gina,jh and I sacrificed to sit at the stall seats with nad.Actually it was more of a request from mdm mariam. We arrived at VCH abt like 30++mins late,then she said there werent many circle seats left but if we were willing to have stall seats instead,she'll refund us 2 bucks each cept nad.So being the nice ppl,we agreed:D entered and stood at the wall next to the ushers.We looked like butlers-.- Saw a few teachers including mrs chua and a whole lot of choir juniors.Searched for seats during the 15min interval. Turns out there werent many stalls seats left too.We had to sit right in front.Fyi.it was bad for the necks and the view was...see for yourself...

the stage from my point of view,i could only see a variety of legs(chair legs,stand legs and human legs)

oh yea,and the conductor's butt-.-

notice farhan and shaunn,they put on shades half way through a piece and we couldnt stop laughing cos they reminded us of man in black

this was taken during the solo piece by the sectional conductor.Imagine a trumpet blowing at your face for more than 10mins

before his solo...

After the concert,we stayed back to take photos with jw and elaine.Mdm yue joined in too.Saw her cute son as well=D

our bronze hubbiesxD

overall the concert was still quite ok,cept some off-tune parts-.- had a fun night with gina,nad,fabbi and jh(dont get the wrong idea sa gu-.-)

9:35 PM