Saturday, October 27, 2007
the stories that happened yesterday
It's the first day of the holidays and I already caught the flu bug,just my luck=( but at least my sore throat didnt bring about a fever.
The stupid weather seems to be playing tricks on us,which I guess must have caused my flu.
Argh,I hate this.It's seriously spoiling my voice now,hope I'll recover soon.
Hmm...I've decided to build up my immune system during the holidays after reading the last line of Mrs Chua's remark in my report book-.-This time,I've promised myself to find time.Oooo i'm a good girl=) MAYBE I'll go cycling next week,MAYBE only.Haha.
Going back to school at 8pm later to stay overnight in the MPH.That's for the REAL run thingy tomorrow @ the Changi Exhibition Centre from 6am-1pm.We're to be road marshals for the run tomorrow.Dont know why we've to stay overnight in school at 8pm though.Hope we wont see the 'stuff' that Heather described(seeing numbskull is bad enough already)
Hope I wont get even sick-er overnight.Cant predict what the weather's gonna be like tomorrow,just pray that it wont be too hot (or I'll end up like a scorched potato),or rain (or my flu will be unwilling to part with me)
That's all,and look melissa!I left paragraphs!
be gone flu bug,be gone cos i hate you for making me feel like tearing my nose away...
1:26 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
the stories that happened yesterday
Went to school for the SL meeting today.We were pretty focused and managed to get quite a lot of stuff done.Just left with the ppt,board and video parts,basically the presentation parts which we're gonna settle on thursday...ARGH!I still have to wake up early=(
I've learnt quite a lot about the members in the committee from today's meeting.And I'm still positively sure his attitude HASNT changed a single bit since last friday.He's really trying very hard to test my patience huh...
Halfway through the meeting(or was it even halfway?) that stupid numbskull took out his PSP to play...Oi!For goodness sake,that's not your duty as a vice-chair lah!I really felt like slapping his bloody face,but I managed to control myself.Why does he always have to spoil my day.Is he trying to make me hate him?Is that his job or what-.-
Know what?If I was the boss of a company and he's my employee,I would have just fired him on his first day of work.Reason?Because of pure slack-ishness,sucky attitude-ness,dumbness,idiot-ness,numbskull-ness,bloodiness,sloppish-ness,whatever-ness etc etc.Aiya,too many reasons,lazy to list out all.And I just realised that I invented many new words to describe numbskull and thats not good.He's not worth it.
Note to self:If I'm suffering from low blood,just approach numbskull and my blood pressure would just shoot up again...
9:59 PM
Monday, October 08, 2007
the stories that happened yesterday
Met with sa-gu at the bus stop outside school at 9.15(i was punctual=)and went into school in shorts and tee-.-
First,we went to staff rm5 and that stupid sa-gu embarassed herself there.Oh well,at least I DIDNT know her then,so it's ok=)
Then went to staff rm 4 to look for Mdm Nisa.Ms Fang is super crappy,kept insisting that it's gonna rain and it DIDNT=) sort of...
Reached bedok interchange 20mins later than the planned time=X Crapped on the bus and...SA-GU WANTS TO GO VS,SO SHE'S A GUY!!!
Many bad stuff happened during the cycling journey.First Tiff's bike wouldnt cooperate with her.So we had to cycle back to the shop to change her bike.After cycling for like half an hour we took a break,which includes taking many stupid pictures.Weird but funny=) Shant post the pictures here since they're on sa-gu and tiff's blogs already(well,actually i'm also lazy to load them)
At first we planned to cycle to the sec3 campsite but halfway there(or was it less than halfway?)we gave up.Our butts and muscles were begging us to give up,so we followed suit.Guess there was too much lactic acid accumulated in our butts and muscles=.=
Played on the beach for awhile and I wrote my name on the sand=) Tried to catch the waves with mel but we failed miserably...Tiff and Joce took a couple of photos of us catching the waves and I look sort of obscene-.-
During the return journey,tiff's bike sort of couldnt take it anymore(or was it tiff who couldnt take her bike anymore?)aiya dont know...
And my bike 'brokedown'.The front tire of the bike was like jammed and the bike kept making the train sound.So tiff and mel rushed back to the shop to explain to the rental guy(since we were short of time)before it started to rain.
I had to push the stupid bike for like dont know how many million kilometres with Joce cycling slowly beside me.We passed this really dark(cos it was about to rain),smelly,'foresty' looking place and we started imagining that we were taking part in a Survivor competition=.=
After that tiff called to tell us to 'untwist' the front of the bike.
joce:tiff said the guy told them to tell us to try untwisting the wires.
me:huh?untwist wires?how?
joce:hmm try turning the head around.
me:turn the head?what head?my head?
For once,I really feel dumb=(
I guess the wires of my bike must have twisted itself after falling so many times then the twisted wires sort of jammed up the front tire of the bike=.= and that nearly caused my leg muscles to die...
Went to 7-eleven's to buy drinks and sat on a breakwater waiting for things to happen.Did some stupid stuff like posing like some superheroes-.-
After that we had lunch at PP's and walked around to look for drinks and CHOCOLATES=) While waiting for bus 15,Joce's bottle pee-ed in her bag and made her bag orangey.That caused the life of her hp...
Sat on the swings near mel's house.It was a long time since I last sat on one.I LOVE SWINGSXD
9:11 PM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
the stories that happened yesterday
I guess I must have metamorphosis-ed to a couch potato.Spent the entire morning from 9 plus to 2,watching Full House.I should have watched it last year.It's super sweet!
At this rate,I think I'm going to lose my eyes soon.And sooner or later,the sofa will get a burnt hole in the middle from excess heat radiated from my butt...
Managed to tear my butt off after sitting on the sofa for like...5 hours,that is,before the tv explodes.
After doing some house chores,my mum asked me to teach my brother toning since he's having his art paper tomorrow-.- How am I supposed to teach art?AnywayI had fun messing around with the paints=) The things I do out of boredom...

Posted this to show Jocelyn the state of my desk.To speak the truth the pile is right beside me now and I'm still too busy to tidy it up.Fine,I'm just too lazy...It's like a pyramid of books stacked up against the wall and I've to constantly push it back in place to prevent it from collapsing.
Cycling @ ECP tomorrow.Hope it doesnt rain or I'll end up with a red nose again when I return to school on Friday.
Hmm...planning to hold the SL meeting on Tuesday and maybe Wednesday too.Hope we'll be able to complete what we have to do by Friday,WITHOUT any distractions.
And the singing thing...Argh!Well,at least it wont be the choir alone.The uniform groups have to do it as well,in their uniforms.I repeat,in their FULL UNIFORMS.Muahaha...ok,I shall stop being mean.We're all gonna 'suffer' together anyway.
Current status: decomposing...
5:28 PM
Friday, October 05, 2007
the stories that happened yesterday
Perhaps it was because of the exams,perhaps it was because of what my friends were doing for me,perhaps it was because I was in a bad mood,perhaps it was because I had held back,tolerated,endured for too long,bottling up all my feelings inside me till I couldnt take it anymore.
Well,I finally 'exploded'.I finally lost my temper.I've finally proven that I have my limits too,like any other humans.
Maybe you were the unlucky one to have received this,but I guessed you deserved it.I'm just like everyone else,I've my limits too.Just like if you stretched a rubber band too far,it'll break,eventually.
You had a choice,in fact many choices.You can choose not to be who you are now,but I guessed you did.I'm not blaming you or anyone for causing you to be who you are.I'm not blaming you for what you are now,how you are now.I was merely showing you I've had enough of everything or whatever thing you've done,if you've even done anything in the first place(if you call standing there waiting for things to happen,doing something that is).
If you are who you are,so be it.I cant make you change.You caused yourself to be like this and so,this is what you get.If you were planning to get authority,respect,a good reputation or whatsoever,I think you've failed miserably.Go look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what have you to gain my bit of respect.Know where you stand.Dont go bossing people around,thinking you're king of the world.Let me remind you,you dont own this world,it doesnt belong to you.People were being nice to even offer their bit of help,even if they're not involved, but there you go showing that snotty attitude of yours.
If you think I'm wrong,then I'm sorry.It's up to you to interpret my apology.Sincerity?Sarcasm?Whatever lah,huh.
Well,satisfaction.I've finally tasted what true satisfaction is like.Scary huh?I dont think I would be the only one showing that side of me in this kind of situation.Maybe I should have done it like a million years ago.
Keeping everything to myself will only damage my nerve cells,clog up my internal energy,increase my blood pressure.Not that I should 'explode' everyday,but keeping everything cooped up in me for too long,then letting everything 'explode' at one go might cause side-effects.
Call me a meanie,but I have this feeling that I just won a landslide victory.Ah well,enough of ventings.I guess it's time for me to forgive and forget,again.
10:24 PM